X-Cell Clutch Hub Tool Gas/Nitro - Set

SKU: MA3000-76

Sale price$83.34CAD


3000-76 X-Cell Universal Clutch Hub Tool Gas/Nitro

- set -

1 x 3000-76, 1 x 3000-77, 2 x 3000-78 knurled screw M5, 2 x 3000-79 knurled screw M4

It is an universal clutch hub tool to mount and to remove the clutch hub at / from a Zenoah, Zenoah - based, or any nitro glow heli engine.

It will be mounted on top of the clutch hub instead of the clutch / clutch shoes. This way the crank nut can be tightened or opened without opening the crank housing. For older nitros using a cone it can be used to pull the hub from the crank.


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